Salesforce Contract Renewal Campaign

A few videos ago we created a fictional pay TV and internet service provider to demonstrate how different Salesforce tools simplify complex telco operations.


All good things come to an end. So do service contracts. 


In this tutorial, we will showcase how to send out contract renewal emails to the users, whose contract is about to expire.


This situation is not unique to telecommunications operators.


The same processes apply to most B2C or B2B businesses with fixed-term service contracts, including insurance or utilities – to name a few.  



Luckily for us, Salesforce handles the full contract renewal process from start to finish.


Meaning, you may task a particular sales manager with renewing the contracts. 

  • The platform allows you to select the contracts that are about to expire. 
  • These contacts are easily imported to a contract renewal campaign. 
  • And you will be able to create an email template for this task in an easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor.


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